the-colours-of-mitex-hollandMitex Holland wax-printed fabrics are remarkable for their vivid, contrasting colours. The deft use of colour is an important aspect of the Mitex Holland brand, which may explain why it’s one of the most popular brands that we offer. Most Mitex Holland fabrics contain several different colours but all of them have a consistent, recognisable and well-balanced colour scheme. If you’re choosing a printed fabric from this brand, it’s important to pick one with a scheme that’s ideal for you. In today’s blog, we’ll talk about the different types of colour scheme used by Mitex Holland in order to help you decide which one appeals to you.

1. Earthy, natural colour schemes

Designs that use browns and deep russet hues invoke a feeling of down-to-earth honesty and friendliness. Fabrics with this type of earthy colour scheme are therefore ideal for day-to-day garments. If you want a fabric that will help you cultivate an approachable, laid-back appearance, you might like to consider choosing one with this type of colour scheme. The Mitex Holland brand offers a variety of fabrics that combine natural, homely hues with intricate patterns. The colours set the mood of the fabric, while the patterns provide an aesthetic flourish.

2. Bright, light colour schemes

There are many Mitex Holland fabrics that combine vivid, eye-catching colours with traditional African patterns to create an energetic, upbeat aesthetic. If you want a garment that brings a little colour into your life and shows off your vibrant personality, you should opt for a fabric with this type of colour scheme. The bright colours and dynamic-looking patterns complement one another beautifully.

3. Deep, rich colour schemes

Deeper, richer colours hint at sophistication and poise. Mitex Holland has several wax-printed fabrics with this type of sophisticated colour scheme. They feature deep blues, rich golds or subtle greys that create an urbane aesthetic. If you want to look elegant and classy in a garment with a traditional pattern, you should choose a Mitex Holland fabric with a rich colour scheme.

Whatever hues suit you best, you’re bound to find the ideal fabric for you in our Mitex Holland range, so take a look at our fabrics today.