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SSL506 - Voile Lace

  • $192.00
  • $96.00
5 Yards

Exclusive Voile Laces 
Manufactured from fine Cotton Voile
Available in a range of colours
Unique designs for Empire Textiles 
Finished with shiny Rhinestones
Neat embroidery
Cut to 5 yard lengths (4.57m) x 50" Widths
Shipped worldwide

View the full range of Exclusive Voile Laces Here.

There are more than 400 sparkling stones per yard of this wonderful voile fabric. Sold in 5 yard strips, that’s more than 2000 per order! The embroidery is flawless, and being a voile lace, there’s a delicateness to this fabric that’s simply stunning. There are many different colour options to choose from, including cream & army green, royal & white, yellow, mint & orange, and white & aqua. The blues and creams are quite understated and mellow, whereas the orange and royal options are more dramatic and bold - this voile lace is very versatile.

Express Delivery & Free Shipping Available

  Shipping Cost Free Shipping Transit Time
United Kingdom $10.24 $192.00 1-2 Days
Rep of Ireland $25.60 $384.00 2 Days
Rest of Europe $25.60 $512.00 2-4 Days
U.S.A. & Canada $25.60 $384.00 1-2 Days
Click here for more countries & rates

SSL506 - Voile Lace

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